

 Whether you are looking for a church home or simply stopping by for a visit, we hope that you will consider Bethel part of your church family! In the meantime, we’d love for you to take a look at our site and see what we might do together. If you have any questions or need more information about Bethel, please click the “Contact Us” tab above and give us a shout!

Bethel is associated with AFLC Canada. You can read their declaration of faith here:






There are sermon notes on our “Connect” page that you can print to follow along with the sermon. (*There will be no sermon notes posted from February 2nd-March 2nd)


We have begun having supervised nursery to begin following the children’s lesson and go until the last song during church. Kinder age & down.

  Barnabas Cards

Please note that there are orange cards on the back table. These are meant for taking a moment to encourage one another. Please feel free to grab one!!